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Artblog Radio


A series of podcasts and slideshows with interviews and gallery tours explaining Philadelphia’s contemporary arts scene. By’s founders in collaboration with WHYY’s NewsWorks initiative.

January 2011 update, by George Miller:

The two operators of the ArtBlog, Libby Rosof and Roberta Fallon, began doing podcasts on their site in September. Peter Crimmins, a staffer at WHYY, was paid as an independent contractor by the ArtBlog to edit the podcasts. The award application process prompted the ArtBlog team into deeper discussions with WHYY. Peter is now paid for his time through the award. In addition, the ArtBlog is now a partner in WHYY’s new venture, Newsworks.

The podcasts, which run every other Monday on the ArtBlog, now also appear on the Newsworks site. And Chris Satullo, the executive director for news and civic dialogue at WHYY, struck a financial deal to continue running the ArtBlog podcasts and other content on Newsworks. The ArtBlog is a featured item on the Arts + Culture page of Newsworks. The first podcast was posted to Newsworks about one week after Newsworks launched on Nov. 15.

Between the launch and Dec. 7, 359 visitors were referred to the ArtBlog by Newsworks, according to Google Analytics. Newsworks was the number 10 referrer to the ArtBlog, behind facebook, Google and other search engines. The collaboration is ongoing.

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