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SPJ 2010: Networked Journalism

Can daily newspapers and televisions collaborate with hyperlocal web sites, blogs and other new media makers in their communities? How should a daily newspaper deal with a “blogvertorial?” Which partners best adhere to core journalism values? This session will examine lessons learned from five Networked Journalism pilot projects funded by J-Lab. These projects partnered mainstream news organizations with five hyperlocal sites each in Seattle, Charlotte, Miami, Asheville and Tucson.

Read more about J-Lab’s Networked Journalism Project

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Funded by the Ethics and Excellence in Journalism Foundation.

Moderator: Jan Schaffer, Director, J-Lab, American University


Alicia RobertsAlicia Roberts Alicia Roberts is director of partner relations for the Charlotte Observer’s hyper-local news project, the Charlotte News Network. She works with five founding publishers who produce eight community news sites in the region. She has worked as metro editor and features editor at The State, in Columbia, S.C., and as managing editor for several health care business publications in Washington, D.C. She began her news career at the Dayton Daily News.

Anthony GiminoAnthony Gimino Gimino is the Senior Editor of Lindy’s College Football Annuals and oversees the Sports Network, which operates under a grant from J-Lab in its study of networked journalism. Gimino has been a sports journalist for 20 years, as a writer and editor for newspapers, magazines and the internet. He worked at the Arizona Daily Star in Tucson from 1990 to 1998, primarily as the University of Arizona football beat reporter, before moving to Tacoma, Wash., to join as its College Football Editor.

Bob PayneBob Payne Bob Payne has been Director of Communities at since summer of 2008. His primary task has been to determine and execute the Times’ strategy regarding neighborhood- and topic-specific content and the online communities of interest that thrive in those niche areas. While some media companies have chosen to launch their own sites as part of their hyperlocal strategy, the Times has opted instead to build relationships with local content producers with the goal of developing mutually supportive relationships that spotlight the strengths of the respective sites.


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